The latest research from Hub Entertainment Research shows movie viewing trends that were happening pre-COVID but have been put into hyperdrive due to the pandemic. Hub’s “Monetizing Video” study encompassed 2,036 U.S. consumers, with ages 16-74, who watch at least one hour of TV per week. The one area of the study that really stands out are one of the …
Here’s Why HBO Max and Quibi Are Hurting
Last time we reported on the streaming wars, we were in the thick of a pandemic and streaming services were booming. Well that was almost two months ago and a helluva lot has happened since. Specific to the streaming wars, we had two major streaming services launch – HBO Max and Quibi. Now logic would suggest that the momentum for …
Obscure 1949 Movie Law Could Upend the Streaming Universe
As the streaming world continues to capture both trade and consumer media attention, the U.S. Department of Justice made an interesting decision on a movie law that warrants a closer look. Probably only movie buffs or legal historians would know that in the 1948, the Supreme Court ruled in a landmark decision that the eight largest movie studios in Hollywood …
What The Viacom-CBS Merger Means for Competition
After pressure to compete in the streaming wars, it finally happened: on August 13, Viacom and CBS announced that they were finally going to merge. The news comes after owner Shari Redstone has been rallying for the merge for years; the companies were originally brought together through other mergers, only to split up by her father 13 years ago. After …
MPAA: Home Entertainment Consumer Spending Increased 16% YoY
Step aside everyone else – home entertainment runs the world – and it’s got the revenue to back it up. Data from the 2018 MPAA report shows just how much home entertainment has exploded in a short period of time. Content providers who are most nimble and screen-agnostic will be the ones who win out. This epic shift means more challenges for the marketers …
Survey Says: 90% of TV Consumers Want Better Discoverability
If you’ve happen to come across all of the new TV platforms choices – from your good ole fashioned MVPDs to vMVPDs, OTTs and streaming services – consumers (and frankly myself after listing them out) feel a need for simplicity, discoverability, and streamlined experience for pay TV services. The proliferation of TV services and content has exploded the last few years. …